Le card sono in PVC laminate con superficie lucida, ideali per l’utilizzo con stampanti termografiche, realizzate secondo lo standard ISO 7810-7816. L’antenna interna è realizzata a forma di ovale per aumentare la distanza di lettura e per poter applicare un’eventuale modulo chip.
50pcs. Card PVC NFC 13,56MHz
€ 35.00 +IVA
- Material: laminated PVC (or PET optionally)
- Color: Generally White – Available optionally any other colors or transparent
- Class Protection: IP68 (Totally protected against ingress of solid / Protected against long period of immersion)
- Storage Temperature: -55°C to +60°C / -67°F to +
- Operating Temperature: -25°C to +50°C / -13°F to +185°F
- Delivery format: Singulated
- Expected lifetime: Years in normal operating conditions
- Chemical resistance:
- No physical or performance changes in (tested up to, more hours can be):
– 200 hours Motor oil immersion
– 200 hours Salt water (salinity 10%) exposure